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When God Straightens Us Out, We Find Joy

Well, I finaly made it up early today, and I had my time with God. What an incredible difference that makes. I feel like I got a lot accomplished today at work. I still have a pretty busy work day tomorrow but God has shown me the light. Tonight I was able to get yet another project completed. It looks like by next weeks end I should finally have my head above the water. I’m so thankful for the prayers and support I’ve gotten from people.

It just came to mind that I’ve experienced a kairos moment. So in light of the learning circle it would seem I have done a bit of observation, reflection, & discussion on this moment. In order to complete the circle and get the full benefit of the Lord’s teaching I need to now make a plan, find someone to hold me accountable to it, and act on it. Some of this has already played out in getting my out of the mess that I got myself in. However, the other way to step through these, and actually learn something, it to put into motion the things to keep this from happening again.

So it has become obvious that I am a poor judge of time and what I can handle. I would say that I am going to have to limit things to a one-at-a-time basis. No more taking on additional things if I have something already uncompleted. Additionally, I think it will be best that if I’m asked if I could just do it later, “there’s no rush”, I’ll really need to tell them to just ask me again at a later time.

The accountability part of this I think will need to come from my close friends. Perhaps they would be willing to check in with me every now-and-then, and see how I’m handling stuff. Also, perhaps it would be good too, if someone asks me to do something, to tell them I’ll have to get back to them on whether I can. This would give me the opportunity to look at my schedule and even talk with someone and get their opinion on how much time a project might take.

So, I think the actions I need to take are to have some conversation with my close friends about what has been going on and ask for their help in keeping me accountable to not taking on too much. I also need to have my “door closed” on anything new for the next couple of weeks. Then be certain I’m taking one thing at a time.

Well, this has kind of been and odd post, not a lot about what happened today. There wasn’t too much exciting that went on. Working on the sound mixing tonight was great. I did get a call at almost 9pm, as some camp friends were visiting family right across the street, but I knew that I really need to be sure to get to bed at a decent time. I got a chance to read more of the book I’m currently reading “When God Writes Your Love Story”, so far it’s been very good. If it hadn’t been the fact that I really wanted to get a blog post in I probably still be reading it.

Well, I’m off to bed for now. One final note that I think I’m going to begin to mention. In February I have a weekend set to meet with someone I’ve been in contact with through eHarmony. Yes, this may come as a surprise to most of you, as I haven’t breathed a word about it. I think I’ve finally gotten to a point of comfort about it, that I’m willing to begin at least not hiding it from people. Well, more on that later. Night!

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