Working From Rest, Productivity At It’s Best
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Working From Rest, Productivity At It’s Best

“Man’s blessing didn’t come from what he produced, rather, what he produced stemmed from his blessing. Let that blessing fuel your work, so that striving ceases and what you produce comes out of a place of rest.” – SELAH | Defining Rest In The Age Of Productivity The start of this study reminded me of the Life Shapes, specifically the Semi-Circle. There has been a lot of proof that in order to perform at our best we need adequate rest. What that rest looks like can be different for everyone. We are all charged back up in different ways depending on our personalities. Nonetheless, we all need to be charged up to tackle what’s before us. Even as a runner, I’ve seen first hand what…
Setting Goals And Going After Them
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Setting Goals And Going After Them

Setting goals is fun and games. Going after them is another matter. Without perspiration to match your inspiration, your dream imagined will turn into a dream deferred. Chase The Lion Something that I’ve had a hard time with over the years is having clear goals to work towards. Even in my job it’s most often been a matter of just getting direction from others or meeting the immediate needs. This seems counter to my planner personality but it’s never been the short term, knowing what needs to get done, planning that has been my challenge. It’s never been a real priority for me to have goals and a plan for seeing those goals met. I think I’ve always had ideas that have come to mind…
Choosing A Life Of Integrity
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Choosing A Life Of Integrity

Integrity is not defined by proclaiming to be honest; it’s defined by the choices we make. When it comes to integrity, our words have to match our actions. We can’t just say we have integrity. We must choose it. – A Life Of Integrity Life is all about the choices we make. Some of those choices seem easier than others. Three hard choices are the ones that really test your integrity. DAVID WAS A FAITHFUL SERVANT to an undeserving king. Why? Because he believed Saul had God’s backing and David’s first loyalty was to God. – The Men of the Bible Devotional: Insights from the Warriors, Wimps, and Wise Guys by Compiled by Barbour Staff. David, when Saul was still king, had so many opportunities…
Fighting For Integrity

Fighting For Integrity

We aren’t born with a heart of integrity, and if we want it, we have to fight for it. – A Life Of Integrity In a world filled with concern for only ones self, and the drive for success, integrity is always being challenged. It isn’t as simple as just making the good choice, we have have to stand against an entire world that apposes us. To fight also means to surround ourselves with people who are always watching and holding us accountable. – A Life Of Integrity We can’t make it through this world as a Christ follower on our own, let alone maintain integrity. We all need partners to do life with and keep us accountable to living a life of integrity. We…
The Christian Responsibility to the Oppressed
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The Christian Responsibility to the Oppressed

– These days there is a lot of talk about the less fortunate and especially the oppressed. It’s very clear from Scripture that as Christian’s we are to defend, and stand against the oppression that we see. To be clear, however, any stand that we make needs to follow biblical principles, not the rights that the world has made up. Unfortunately, following biblical principles is not how the world wants Christians to stand against oppression.