For Christians, Climate Change Should Be No Surprise
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For Christians, Climate Change Should Be No Surprise

Jesus spoke about what our world will be like before he returns. We often say that the world is ”going to hell in a hand basket”, and to a degree, it’s supposed to be. This doesn’t mean that as Christ followers we just sit idly by and watch it happen. We are called to stand firm in the faith and share the Good News of God’s grace and forgiveness with the world, no matter how they treat us, no matter the cost. #ShowLove #StandFirm #SpeakTruth
When A Run Turns Into A Fight, With Yourself

When A Run Turns Into A Fight, With Yourself

This morning wasn’t hard because of the weather, the terrain, or my physical state, this morning my run was consumed with a battle of my emotions and an ugly part of me that rears it’s head every now and then. Unfortunately, I spent little time during my run in worship or prayer, most of it was spent asking God to change my heart. I have struggled with grace taking a back seat when life gets tough, when I’m faced with the reality of an imperfect world. I quickly turn to frustration and anger. It’s a side of me that I’m ashamed of and generally ends up turning my thoughts against myself with feelings of negative self worth and the desire to just run away from…
Devotions for Sacred Parenting #23: The Vice of the Virtuous
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Devotions for Sacred Parenting #23: The Vice of the Virtuous

“When we don’t live as a people in need of grace, we expect others to be perfect, and we bitterly resent it whenever even the slightest imperfection puts us out.” – Devotions for Sacred Parenting by Gary L. Thomas It seems so easy to take our grace for granted. When we fall into this that is where our actions don’t reflect someone living under God’s grace. God has called us to love Him, and love others as ourselves. As Christ followers love always needs to be first with grace to follow.
Mercy and Grace in Relationships
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Mercy and Grace in Relationships

“When we allow God’s love and mercy to flow through us to our spouse, we will find less conflict, more grace, quicker forgiveness and much more delight at home.” I know that too often, I jump to conclusions and assumptions instead of giving people, especially my wife, the benefit of the doubt. This an area that has produced far more conflict then it could have had I just executed a little grace and mercy first. We have a God that shows us far more grace, love, and mercy than we deserve. So it really goes without question that we need to attempt to do b the same in our relationships, especially with our spouse.
Showing Love, Not Demanding A Life Lived Under The Law

Showing Love, Not Demanding A Life Lived Under The Law

This morning it hit me, during my devotion time, how so many of us that claim to follow Christ get caught up demanding others, and ourselves, live under the law as a measure of whether you are a Christ follower. Our world is in disarray. As the church we need to embrace our world in love just as Christ showed the whole world. How we easily forget that Christ died for us while we’re still sinners. How then can we not follow his example and show that kind of love to our world?