QualityTime - Android App
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Taking A Break From Tech

So a few days ago a came across an article about a different app, for iOS, that had the intent on monitoring and setting up some boundaries when it comes to smartphone use. This app was one that had been previously reviewed, and recommended, for Android devices. I’m giving this a try, as I’m trying to do better with putting the technology aside and actually “being there” my family. The smartphone has it’s benefits, but like anything there needs to be a balance.
Kid on Phone

Should I Give My Kid a Smartphone?

I pretty much agree with everything Craig has posted about. I’ve been on the Internet since High School, and I’m a web developer by trade, so I know all about the dangers. I’m not promoting being the over-protective parent that tries to shelter my kids and set them up for failure. It’s about let your kids experience things at an appropriate age level and teaching your kids. And to Craig’s point, you have no business giving your kids something you don’t understand yourself. It’s like giving your kids a gun because they want one and you’ve never even shot one yourself. Yes, I believe it’s that serious. From: Craig Gross Date: Wed, May 10, 2017, 8:14 AM I got this email today. I get this…