Devotions for Sacred Parenting – Day 7: A Season of Sacrifice
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Devotions for Sacred Parenting – Day 7: A Season of Sacrifice

“Our kids, by their existence, make a legitimate spiritual claim on our time, our money, and our focus.” – Devotions for Sacred Parenting by Gary L. Thomas I was challenged today in how I approach being a Dad. Too often I choose to focus on everything but my kids. Our time is too short with our kids, and there will be years ahead when we will have all kinds of time to pursue other things. I will say that this is one of the reasons I wake up at 4am some days to get a run in as I make an effort to not let my running negatively impact my family. #parenting #sacrifice #responsibility
Devotions For Sacred Parenting – Day 3: A Lasting Mark
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Devotions For Sacred Parenting – Day 3: A Lasting Mark

“When our kids see how we deal with failure, disappointment, frustration, and our own limitations, they are learning.” – Devotions for Sacred Parenting by Gary L. Thomas #TeachingByExample “The parent must present to the child the beauty of virtue, the nobility and happiness of self-denial, the pleasure that duty brings, and the fear and the favor of God.” – Andrew Murray #TrainingUpChildren
Devotions For Sacred Parenting – Day 2: The Right Person for the Job
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Devotions For Sacred Parenting – Day 2: The Right Person for the Job

“God designed your children, and he placed them in your care…You are the right person for the job, because God himself has assigned you the task. And he is committed to seeing you through.” – Devotions for Sacred Parenting by Gary L. Thomas

#Parenting #doubts #confidence #Romans

Kid on Phone

Should I Give My Kid a Smartphone?

I pretty much agree with everything Craig has posted about. I’ve been on the Internet since High School, and I’m a web developer by trade, so I know all about the dangers. I’m not promoting being the over-protective parent that tries to shelter my kids and set them up for failure. It’s about let your kids experience things at an appropriate age level and teaching your kids. And to Craig’s point, you have no business giving your kids something you don’t understand yourself. It’s like giving your kids a gun because they want one and you’ve never even shot one yourself. Yes, I believe it’s that serious. From: Craig Gross Date: Wed, May 10, 2017, 8:14 AM I got this email today. I get this…