God Has A Plan For Us…Do We Believe It?

God Has A Plan For Us…Do We Believe It?

God’s calling means that we never need to feel inferior or insecure. No matter how tough life becomes, how difficult work gets, how many doubts we have—or even how far we fall—God promises, “I chose you for this, and I’ll never fail you.” It’s easy to forget that God has a plan for all things. It’s equally hard to recognize when it’s the sin in our world that makes things bad and that is not God’s plan. When things don’t go according to our plan we’re quick to question God why instead of seeking out His plan. We need to take joy and find peace in knowing that God is there with us through all things and has a calling for us if we’re willing…
Friendships, The Longview

Friendships, The Longview

As I read my devotional this morning I was reminded of the importance of deep rooted friendships. As we go about what seems like one busy day to the next, we need to make sure we aren’t letting the relationships that matter fade and die. It takes work to maintain deep friendships just like it takes work to build a marriage. God never intended us to do this life alone, we are designed for relationships. It’s relationships that will outlast anything else we build here on Earth. I just finished day 23 of the @YouVersion Plan Man Up. Check it out here: http://bible.com/r/9O