Easy? Monday 10K

Easy? Monday 10K

As I listened to the worship music play I prayed for the #HWI Team’s training and races, as well as for the people of Sierra Leone, that God would provide exactly what they each needed. #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRMarathon

Donate to Clean Water fo Africa: https://timn.me/2Kx7NEr

Tackling A Rainy And Intense Fitness Level Run

Tackling A Rainy And Intense Fitness Level Run

Despite it being a rainy morning it still felt good to be out for a run. After the 2017 #GRMarathon downpour, and consistent winter training, I’m pretty much good to run in anything. If you are going to run a race outside you have to train in everything if you want to be prepared. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun

Donate to Water for Africa: https://timn.me/2Kx7NEr

Just A Short Tuesday Run

Just A Short Tuesday Run

It was nice to sleep in a little before doing the short run, especially given my #Endomondo training plan has me on a 5 run per week schedule. The only problem with these short runs is that I get a little too caught up in my speed. I love having the worship workout music pumping me up to full speed. It was pretty warm out already at 5am. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRMarathon

Donate to Clean Water: https://timn.me/2Kx7NEr

Working Hard To Make It Easy

Working Hard To Make It Easy

This morning during my prayer and worship time I immediately thought of the #EnableTheChildren staff and kids and the impact that rainy season has on them. I also focused on the #WorldHope teams as they work on drilling new wells. Praying for safety and success as the teams work to put the wells in that the #HWI team raised money for. #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRMarathon

Donate to Clean Water: https://timn.me/2Kx7NEr

A Little Early Morning Half Marathon

A Little Early Morning Half Marathon

Sticking to the #Endomondo training plan meant getting up before 4am to get 13 miles of running in before my wife needed to leave the house by 6:15. I can say that I was overjoyed having to get up so early, but the alternatives were even less appealing. One thing that something like a time commitment, making sure I was home so my wife could leave, does is give you extra motivation to keep up the pace. And that was definitely going through my mind several times. I’m not 100% certain why but my pace slowed slightly after I hit about mile 9. I do think I made it harder on myself because I didn’t take salt tablets before the long run, nor during. I…