
WordCamp US 2019 – Securing WordPress in the age of 0-Day Vulnerabilities – Rahul Nagare

scaledynamix.com/WCUS 0-Day Vulnerabilities Recently discovered No current fix Already being attacked Reference – wpvulndb.com Why My Site? They want to send your traffic somewhere else to boost SEO rank They want to use your site as a “bot” to attack a targeted site. How Do You Protect Your Site? Protection Against Redirects Hardcode your site/home URL Protect your wp-config.php Protect Against Automated Plugin Updates Limit access to wp-admin, white-list admin IPs Protect Against Code Injections Block all POST requests without a valid referrer Set Content-Security-Policy header You still need to follow the standard security best practices
A Little Bit Of #WCGR With Me Camping

A Little Bit Of #WCGR With Me Camping

As I headed off camping with the family this weekend I was choosing what to bring to keep my phone charged. When you are a tent camping family you only have so much room. The charging pack I received for speaking at last year’s #WordCamp Grand Rapids, and the USB conversation dongle from this year made a great compact charging setup.
Joe A Simpson, Jr

Lucky 7: Don’t Do Anything Until You Hear This – Joe A Simpson Jr

http://bit.ly/joesimpsonjr-wcgr Hosting I purchase too much hosting… Start with free and level up as you learn WordPress Compare what you need Considerations Site Traffic eCommerce Site Speed Environmentally conscious Staging Uptime Site Design Why doesn’t my site look like the demo? Setup the test data for the demo Make sure there is support I have a premium theme but I can’t move things around. Page Builder or Traditional Theme? Do you need flexibility or are you OK with the theme restrictions? Accessibility Accessibility makes me angry… Color Links without underline can affect people with color blindness Colors shouldn’t be the only way to convey a message Color contrast testing Start with an Accessible Theme Check with the Tab Key – Does it navigate the site…
Steve Grunwell - Testing WordPress

WordCamp GR 2019 – Confidently Testing WordPress – Steve Grunwell

https://stevegrunwell.github.io/confidently-testing-wordpress/#/ Testing Fundamentals Automated Testing Reduces time + chance of human error Easily reproducible Gateway to CI/CD Test Types Unit – Test the smallest possible unit of an app. Often a single function Integration – How individual components interact End-to-End(E2E) – An entire path through an application Automated Testing Pyramid ROI for Testing System Under Test (SUT) The system we’re currently testing: A single method A class A whole feature WordPress Testing is Complicated Tightly-coupled system Difficult to test anything in true isolation Testing Toolbox PhpUnit – https://phpunit.de/ Structure Test Suite – Collection of test classes Test Class (class) – Collection of test methods Test Case (method) – A single scenario to be tested Assertions True or False Equality Verify Contents – contains, regular expression…
Contributing to WordPress: Moving From User to Contributor – WordCamp Grand Rapids 2019 Lightening

Contributing to WordPress: Moving From User to Contributor – WordCamp Grand Rapids 2019 Lightening

1. Introduction WordPress History 2005 – First Blog 2006 – First Podcast 2008 – First Custom Theme/Plugin 2013 – First WordCamp 2014 – First Time WordCamp Volunteer 2018 – First WooCommerce Site 2018 – First Time WordCamp Speaker 2018 – Full Co-Maintainer to WordPress.org Plugin 2. What Does It Mean To Be A Contributor All you need is a desire to help. Give Your Time Share Your Knowledge & Experience Use Your Talents 3. Give Your Time Help Organize A Local Meetup Volunteer at a WordCamp 4. Share Your Knowledge & Experience Share your favorite Themes & Plugins on your blog, social media, at a local meetup Help others in the WordPress.org Support Forums 5. Use Your Talents Non-Developers Help maintain the website content for…