Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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Nothing Exciting, But Frustrated…
Well, nothing special today. I didn’t even get up until like noon. I was up late, as is most nights. Did some lunch then back to the blog. This blog thing has really taken over. I think the big thing is it’s my only outlet for for talking, don’t really have anyone to hang out with. I really don’t know that anyone would want to sit and listen to me talk about this stuff anyways. I’d be surprised if people even want to read all my dribble. Didn’t connect with any of my friends today, either. They’re probably out of town for the holiday weekend.
God’s Amazing Work
So I know that I haven’t been so good about keeping up my blog posts on a regular basis. It’s kind of amazing how even when life seems to settle down you don’t have time foe some of the simple things. I guess one issue I’ve been facing lately is not being able to get to sleep early, and getting up early. It just has kind of thrown things off a bit. I guess the other part of my lack of blogging is the fact that I’ve started the podcast as well. Even more is how much God has been doing in my life, which has kind of kept me from blogging. Like the fact that I have someone special that is apart of my…
Congrats Peter & Becky…
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I’m Sick…And Tired…
Each day passes by and I wonder what ever happened to the daily need to publish my thoughts. Well it is still there, however I find my time somehow filled with other things. The time passes and my eyes grow heavy with the thought of sleep. Perhaps I have more of a life now, perhap I have come to a point of not so depressing thoughts. I guess one factor that has changed in my life is the on-going communication I have with others. I actually have real people to care on discussion with. Perhaps that is satisfying my need to communicate with the world at large via my blog. That is probably true in part. I still find it easy to tap away my…

I Am Blessed With An Amazing Wife
The man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he receives favor from the Lord. – Proverbs 18:22 NLT I am so blessed to have Vanessa in my life. She sees me on my best days and my worst and when I have tough days she is there with love and support.
When God Straightens Us Out, We Find Joy
Well, I finaly made it up early today, and I had my time with God. What an incredible difference that makes. I feel like I got a lot accomplished today at work. I still have a pretty busy work day tomorrow but God has shown me the light. Tonight I was able to get yet another project completed. It looks like by next weeks end I should finally have my head above the water. I’m so thankful for the prayers and support I’ve gotten from people. It just came to mind that I’ve experienced a kairos moment. So in light of the learning circle it would seem I have done a bit of observation, reflection, & discussion on this moment. In order to complete the…