Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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First “Race” In The Books, Sort Of
Well race course didn’t get marked right so the 5k turned into a 2.2 mile. A lot of people not happy. I’m going to have to get some more miles in today.
Final Training Run Before The Groundhog Marathon
Things were a bit off, and out of the normal, this morning. It actually started last night as I discovered that the #Endomondo service was apparently down, which meant I couldn’t load my training plan to see what my last run would be. Then this morning the Endomondo app on my phone wouldn’t even load right. Since my smartwatch came with #Strava built-in, and I’ve been syncing data there, I decided to give it a go on my run. It worked out well enough, except the watch and phone apps don’t talk to each other in real-time which meant I had no audio coaching and no real-time stats, including heart rate, pace, etc. Looking at my final stats I knocked the run out with flying…
A Hard Journey For Water
For many in Africa the journey to gather water is a treacherous one. They may not even end up gathering clean water. The goal of #HWI is to provide sustainable and accessable clean water. #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRGus Join us in bringing clean water to Africa: It was a wet and rainy run this morning, but I got it done. Next time it think I’ll be sure to wear my visor to keep the rain off of my glasses.
Fighting The Urge To Just Go Back To Bed
It was tough to get going this morning. After another rough night with my daughter not being able to sleep I had all I could do to not just go back to bed after the alarm went off. Once I actually got the pavement my pace was a slow start for sure. I’m happy to say though that by the end things had turned around. I did enjoy a good time in prayer and worship. I not only lifted up some recent needs, and praise, but I also lifted up the people in Sierra Leone that are still struggling to gather clean water for their families. I also lifted up our Enable The Children sponsored child and his family. I know that life is a…
A Little 14 Mile Run Before Starting The Day
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Getting It Done On A Monday Morning
It was one of those mornings where after getting up you entertain the idea of just going back to bed instead of get out there for a run. I got over it and hit the streets. It was a slow start, but by the end of my run I had easily picked up the pace. I came to a point, after having prayed for the pending #SierraLeone team, that it kind of dawned on me. How many of those in Sierra Leone get tired of the daily trek to get water for another day? They don’t really have the choice. I had a relatively easy choice this morning, nothing in my life hinges on that choice to run or not. My choice to run may…