Crossing The Finish Line

Ran The Hot Cider Hustle – Grand Rapids 5K

Run the Grand Rapids Hot Cider Hustle 5k on Nov. 11th. All participants get Long Sleeve quarter zip, hot cider, caramel apple and finishers mug! Use #HotCiderHustle to share your photos! Complete, up to date, event information found at Source: Hot Cider Hustle – Grand Rapids 5K Walker, Michigan, United States of America
Serving Others

Serving Others

God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. – 1 Peter 4:10 NLT  Sometimes I think we lose sight of how God intended for us to use our gifts. If we are using our gifts to serve others, not just the church or ministries, we are doing exactly what God has called us to do. Christ came as a servant, as an example to us how we should serve others.
Gracious And Attractive Conversations

Gracious And Attractive Conversations

Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone. – Colossians 4:5‭-‬6 NLT As believers we are called to speak with grace and love to those that are non-believers. We cannot hold a non-believer to any calling that God has made, that is not our place.
Completed My First Marathon…
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Completed My First Marathon…

Today was a pretty big day for me. I completed my first ever marathon. It was a tough day, with the down pouring rain, wind gusts of 20 some miles per hour, and getting cramps in my legs that slowed me down, I ended the race pretty discouraged. Not to mention I ended up having to be taken to the medic tent after crossing the finish line, which was something my running partner and I had talked about not wanting to have happen to us. Let’s just say it was a pretty humbling experience. I’m so thankful for all of the encouragement from the many Hope Water International runners the kept encouraging me on the way to the finish line. I especially appreciate Ron Bussa and Nick…