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Is There An Online Spiritual Battle Raging?

Here’s some thoughts I had while chatting on IM tonight. timnolte: I’m getting this sense that there is a big battle raging right now for our youth timnolte: I’m starting to question where this blog thing is taking people timnolte: I’ve actually noticed a few concerning things as I’ve browsed through some of the camp staff xanga sites too timnolte: I’m starting to feel like this battle is taking place on the internet where parents can’t see it timnolte: I started getting this thought about there being a need for a ministry that focuses on youth who spend a lot of time online…. timnolte: I think the lack of physical interaction and a false sense of anonymity is giving Satan an opening for his lies…

A Little Behind…LOL

I just realized how funny that title could be read. LOL. Anyways, I just realized I haven’t posted since like Friday, WOW! Ok, so I should have a lot to write about right, well not so much. Also this going to bed early thing has really been cutting into my blogging time. That and the fact that I’ve been doing some reading each night besides. There just doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day for everything. Maybe I’ll have to start doing a mid-day thing, like during lunch. Since I’m usually a long poster this would at least break my posts up into smaller chunks. Well, hmm…I’ll try to get something more in, to recap the weekend, perhaps in the morning. I’m off…
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A Time of Pruning…?

Well, it sure seems like I’ve entered into a time of pruning. I got an email tonight that someone has been hired to redesign and take over the camp website. I really haven’t been involved with it much the past year, but it seems like my involvement with camp is coming more to a close. I still have mixed feelings about this. When you give so much towards something and then not be apart of it anymore it’s just kind of a strange feeling. I really hope that they will be served well. I’m kind of feeling a little lost now. I’m so used to having a load of things to do. If I don’t have a project to work on I’m not sure what…
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Expectations, Communication…When Life Gets Too Busy

Well I got a rather unfortunate email today. I’ve basically been let go for the website project I was working on. The truth of the matter is there were things that myself and the company that hired me didn’t do very well. I kind of feel a little frustrated as I thought I made myself very clear how busy my schedule was before they agreed to hire me. Apparently I didn’t do a good enough job. It would also seem as though they really didn’t read the contract before they agreed to it. It clearly states what I was expecting. I guess I’m fine with not having to worry about it any more however, I just feel as though they could have done a better…