Garbage In, Garbage Out…Life Is Work
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Garbage In, Garbage Out…Life Is Work

To get good things out of your life, you have to first put good things in. [W]e don’t have a magic hat that allows us to pull something out of nothing. The positive character traits we seek can only result from a daily commitment to prioritize actions and decisions that please the Lord. I don’t know if it’s our American culture, our sinful nature, or something else entirely, but it seems that more often than not we want everything to be easy with little work or effort required. These lines from my devotional this morning speaks volumes into how we are to live, and how we shouldn’t be surprised when things don’t turn around so quickly for us. The reality is that pretty much all…
Friendships, The Longview

Friendships, The Longview

As I read my devotional this morning I was reminded of the importance of deep rooted friendships. As we go about what seems like one busy day to the next, we need to make sure we aren’t letting the relationships that matter fade and die. It takes work to maintain deep friendships just like it takes work to build a marriage. God never intended us to do this life alone, we are designed for relationships. It’s relationships that will outlast anything else we build here on Earth. I just finished day 23 of the @YouVersion Plan Man Up. Check it out here:

Making A Connection

So what does it mean to make a connection? In my mind it has everything to do with making other people feel like they matter. Making a connection with someone, or building a relationship, is not about what’s in it for me, but what I can do for them. As I’ve lead the Daybreak Online Team I’ve realized that building those relationships and making connections with my team members is way more challenging than I’d ever expected. You might wonder why, well here it is. The work we do on the Daybreak Online Team is purely behind the scenes. Granted hundreds of people across the globe will be exposed to our work but we will mostly never have any interaction with those people and while…