Congrats Peter & Becky…

Well, I headed down to the Twin Cities today for Peter & Becky’s wedding. I’m glad I gave myself plenty of time. I kind of got lost but still made it an hour before the wedding. I got to see some former camp staff I haven’t seen for awhile. It was fun to reconnect with people again. Greg & Janet sat next to me at the wedding and I got a little caught up on what’s been happening at camp more recently. The wedding was great. I do have to say though that weddings are getting hard for me. Genesis 2:18 was referenced a lot today, which is fitting for a wedding. However, for a guy in my situation, it’s a hard thing to listen…

Time To Get Serious: Week One Reflection

To recap the studies of the week, let God be God, practice His presence, seek to live a holy life. As I was thinking about it, it seems like whenever we learn something new about God we go and stick Him in a box again. When we get to know God we start to think we know God. The reality of it is we only get glimpses of what God is and until we go to be with Him we will never really know God here on earth. For me, keeping the thought of worshiping God daily is a very hard one. It gets to be too easy to just go about the things of the day without giving thanks to God through out it….

DISC and Colds…

Not going to post much today. We had a seminar on DISC profiles today at work. It was good to understand our own personalities and how we should interact with others of different personalities. I didn’t end up going to Fargo, I need to get some rest and didn’t want things to get too late getting home. Although it’s late now, I’m heading to bed soon. I did get together with John & Anders and we watched The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy it was funny to watch again. It’s on my list of movies to purchase. I think Anders has convinced me to read the books. I got notice that my new digital camera should be here Tuesday. I’m excited to start getting out…

Time To Get Serious: Encountering a Holy God

Psalm 11:4-7 – The scripture for today talks about God’s Holiness and our sinfulness. I think it becomes so easy, and wrongfully so, for Christians to begin to rank sin. The reality of it is that in God’s eyes there is no one that is more sinful than another. I know we can think that as Christian were better, and not nescesarily boasting in that, but we think those that maybe aren’t Christians are so much worse than we are. Boy are we deceived. God is Holy and perfect and can’t stand the hint of sin. As Christians the difference for us, as compared to someone that isn’t a Christian, is that we have Christ standing in place for us. The decision we make to…

Ode To The Night…

Well, here it is almost 11 at night and I’m wide awake, well sort of. I really should have been getting ready for bed an hour ago. When you become a night owl it sure is hard to change. Well let’s recap some of the week a little. I’ve had some interesting conversations this week. I have to say God has really been speaking to me this week, of course He tends to do that when you’re diving in the Word. Also He has been bring about opportunities for me that I just didn’t think were out there. I’ll be joining a group going through Life Shapes on Sundays, tomorrow I’ll be heading to Fargo for a get together at Holly Hanson’s, not sure who…

Time To Get Serious: God Can Handle It

Ephesians 1:1-6, today’s study talks mostly of how great and self-sufficient God is. It is pointed out that just by the very complexity and detail of nature, God shows his power and greatness. God didn’t have to create us, but it pleased Him to do so, this is also what gives us hope. God didn’t have to make a way for salvation, but He did because of his love for us. Well, the thoughts for this morning are not very long but our response to God’s grace and self-sufficient power ought to be one of praise and thanksgiving. Amen!