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Pleasant Day…And Winter is Here

Well, all-in-all it was a pretty good day. I actually managed to get up by 5:30 and get going. So yeah I didn’t get much sleep last night, but it was worth it. I got most of my small website projects done. I wish I would have had the whole day to work on stuff. My department spent the afternoon going a bit deeper in the DISC profile. Wanting to discover how we can better work together. It was good to go deeper into what makes up each of us. We were reminded again that the profile is not something to use as an excuse for our actions. Each personality type has it’s strengths and weeknesses. It’s the weeknesses that we need to work on…

This One Goes Out to All The Analytics…

Ok, so is analytics even a word….guess so according to Websters. I think it’s a riot how I can take a situation and analyze it to death, then God comes in and tells me to just follow His lead. Am I slow or what. It’s so easy to forget, that despite our best efforts God’s still the one in control. Well this is just a short post this morning before I get ready. God is the best, yeah! Ok, until later! Chow! Do I like the word chow or what? LOL

What have We Learned Today…

Well, today has been an interesting one. It started with the guys not showing up at Perkins this morning. Oh well, I understand it’s early for them. We’ll work something out on Wednesday. My day at work was pretty good. I got a lot done. I had a good chat with Ginny over IM during lunch. She knew I was going to Grease on Sunday. She got on my case about somethings, I won’t mention them here, LOL. After work I headed off to Ronnevik’s to fix their computer. Got everything taken care of and hopefully things will be working a bit better for them. They treated me to a good home-cooked meal and some nice conversation. I got back home and checked email. I…
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Excellent Weekend…

Well, I didn’t get a post made last night. I just got a little tired to make the post. Also, there wasn’t much that went on Saturday. I got up around 9:30 and got around to getting my remaining leaves cleaned up and taken to the dump before the rain came. I made some bread in the bread machine for the first time. The crust got a little harder and thicker than I would have preferred but it was tasty. I mostly bummed around that day. I went over to John O’s that night and watched “The Magnificent Seven” with Rud Wasson & Shawn Osborne. It was a good old western. Today I got up for the early service at church. John Kilde gave the…
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Another Good Day…But I’m Tired

Ok, I’m straining to keep my eyes open here. I’m going to have to make this a quick one if I can. I got up this morning only to find I was out of grits. Yeah you heard that right grits. I’ve gotten on this grits kick. It’s pretty much like Malto-Meal [edit (11-12-05): grr, look what happens when you’re half asleep and blogging. It shouldn’t have been Malto-Meal but Cream of Wheat] which I’ve like for as long as I can remember. So I snagged a leftover roll at work when I got there this morning. I was pretty tired most of the day. I haven’t been getting to bed as earlier as I’ve needed to this week. I guess between the eHarmony, blogging,…