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Being Social…Fun Stuff!

So, not a lot to report on today. I’m feeling a need a little bit more time in the morning to get going. If I would get myself to bed at a decent time it would help, hopefully I’ll accomplish that tonight. Got into work and started working on website stuff. I pretty much worked on website stuff all day. I had a meeting with Church Services and we’re getting realy close with the new bookstore website. I’m hoping perhaps by Christmas, maybe even the end of this month, we’ll see. So I did a little more IMing (is that even a word, probably will be) with, well, Sarah. It was all good, except for the part of it keeping me from my work. She…
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God is Awesome, of Course…Today Life is Grand Too!

Ok, so today was a pretty excellent day. It’s amazing that God can be so good to us despite our downfalls. Well, this morning I found out something pretty crazy. One of my matches on eHarmony just happens to be someone that I at least know of. I can’t recall actually meeting her at anytime. The thing of it is that I have worked with her sister. And I know her Dad. She’s not a paying member of eHarmony but that’s just fine. We’ve already started to chat a little on MSN. I don’t know where this will lead if anywhere. I have no expectations but I’m looking forward to getting to know her. I already know enough about her that I know I’m looking…
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What Have I Gotten Myself Into…?

OK, let’s recap the day first. Got up at 5:30 this morning. Had some good time before work. I still really feel getting up at 5:00 would be better, I just can’t get to bed very early, grrr. Work was good today. I feel like I’m finally getting caught up with stuff. Yes! That’ll probably jinks it, LOL. I’m finding that I’m going to have to do some research to find a better system for the free church websites we’re providing. I might have to do something custom, so long as it’s easy to use. Overall a good day. It was nice to have some extra time today before youth praise team practice. The practice went pretty well. Some of the songs are new so…
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So What’s Been Going On…

I think I’m going to work my way back on this one. I’ll start with today and work my way backwards. (ok, as I start I realized it’s much easier to start at the beginning of a day and work through it, so this is going to be kind of weird to follow, oh well) Before I begin I have to say, the saying that “dogs are a man’s best friend” is so true. My dog Sweetie is so awesome. Show me a cat that picks up on the meaning of “It’s time for bed”. Dog’s have all the smarts, they’re awesome. Today I was able to get up at like 5:30, and this gave me a good amount of time. I did some devotions…
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Major Catch-Up Coming…

Ok, so I’ve been pretty out of it blog-wise the past week. It’s not so much an issue of not wanting to blog. It’s just an issue of having the right time to do it. I’m thinking I’m going to work in a good chunk of time tomorrow to catch up on everything that’s been going on. I think my problem too is that I really like doing my post right before I go to bed. This is good and bad as my day is done but I usually spend a good chunk of time writing and don’t get to bed as soon as I really need to. I’m going to leave with at least one topic posted… So a match has been found on…
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Another Recent IM Session . . .

Tim: I just feel like the world today is just destroying our youth Cassie: that and not alot of ppl are covering them in prayer…they just call it “humanity problems” and ignore it Tim: yes Tim: this issue of moral relativism (sry for the big words) is getting worse by the day Cassie: it really is Cassie: we need to start making just praying for these kids a deal every day instead of just waiting until one kid blows up with problems Tim: yes Tim: absolutely Tim: I’m starting to see also, how it seems moral relativism is creeping into the Christian community also Cassie: definitely Tim: don’t get me wrong, I’m not a legalist by any means… Tim: but God’s truth is firm, it’s…