Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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My Amazing Wife
I was pleasantly surprised to find a note on my desk from my wife this morning. I have the best life partner!
What’s in Store?
Well, I said that I was going to try and start blogging once again and I see it’s been like a month since my last post. Let’s just say life seems to be forever busy, not to say that life wasn’t busy back when I would blog up to 2 times a day, but things are busier. Now that I’m marriage and hopefully a baby on the way there is just more responsibilities. I think I’m coming to a point in my life where I’m having to really look hard at what is really most important. There are so many things I could be doing, and pretty much all good things. The thing that I wrestle with the most is that family comes first. What…
God’s Working
In an effort to trying posting on a regular basis, here goes #2 for the year. 🙂 Recently over the course of a few weeks I applied for a job, got 2 intrviews and was offered a job. The job, in-and-of itself, I would have loved, however it would have come at a great financial cost to my family, which would have made it much harder to either adopt again or think about buying a new house. I think what was most important that came out of the whole situation was the realization that neither me or my family has any real goals or plans for our lives. God really brought that to light, and really made it apparent that without that sort of plan…
Putting Wood On The Fire
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Already Missing My Wife
Glad I got the lawn mowed this afternoon before the rain rolled in. Going to try and keep on top of everything while Vanessa is gone to Africa this week. As we were praying before supper tonight reality hit me that she is gone. I’ll be honest, I almost lost it as we were praying for her and the trip. I know that this was God’s plan, and He’s in control of it all. I have no doubt of His protection over, and plan for, the team.