Your Wife Should Not Be Outserving You

This is not about having a competition with your wife on serving, it’s about taking a hard look at yourself as a husband and asking yourself what kind of leader are you. We live in a world where leadership, and men, are expected to be authoritative and followed because of their authority. Jesus’ picture of a leader is a stark contrast to the world’s idea. And God’s design and calling for a husband is a daily challenge that I doubt many of us even come close to living up to. Marriage is work, and being the kind of husband, and father, God calls us to be should be our highest priority.
“If you are fulfilling Jesus’ word that the one who wants to be the greatest should be the greatest servant. Your wife should not be outserving you.” – For Married Men Only: Three Principles for Loving Your Wife by Tony Evans
But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, – Mark 10:43 NLT