Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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Should I Give My Kid a Smartphone?
I pretty much agree with everything Craig has posted about. I’ve been on the Internet since High School, and I’m a web developer by trade, so I know all about the dangers. I’m not promoting being the over-protective parent that tries to shelter my kids and set them up for failure. It’s about let your kids experience things at an appropriate age level and teaching your kids. And to Craig’s point, you have no business giving your kids something you don’t understand yourself. It’s like giving your kids a gun because they want one and you’ve never even shot one yourself. Yes, I believe it’s that serious. From: Craig Gross Date: Wed, May 10, 2017, 8:14 AM I got this email today. I get this…
Daily Thoughts / Featured / Kids / Parenting
Being Prepared For Parenting
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Taking A Break From Tech
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For Better Or Worse, The Ease Of Google Services And Devices For Kids
My daughter knows exactly how to send email on our Chromebooks and managed to do so, sending an email to my wife, without any prior direction from me. #kids #technology #parenting #gmail #email #education To provide some context, our home network and devices are all pretty well locked down and managed. Our 7 & 9 year old’s don’t have complete free reign to do whatever they want, at least without bounds. Additionally, their elementary school uses Google for Education and they get school email addresses starting at 3rd grade. My kids have experience and access to a lot of technology, both at school and at home. I’m a pretty big tech geek, given I’ve been a programmer and general IT person for the past 25…