Time To Get Serious: Life’s Greatest Pursuit

Today begins a great step for me. I’ve gotten up in time for devotions & quite time, and looks like I’ll get to work a little earlier. I started reading a devotional I picked up some time ago. Time To Get Serious by Tony Evans. The reading for today seems to fit right along with Pastor Dave’s message yesterday. The key scripture Philippians 3:3-7 was when Paul was talking about all the things he could boast in but that none of it meant anything next to Christ. While the devotional talked a lot about things we tend to boast about, and honestly I rarely feel there is anything I tend to boast about, the biggest message was that getting to know God is the only…
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What A Sermon…

Well, I did manage to make it to the fellowship time before church. I have to say I was a little disapointed to find no Sunday School class that was directed for my age. I was kind of feeling like an island again. Not that it really matters that most of the guys at church that are my age are married, but I really feel like the odd person. I wanted to sit with someone my age that I knew, which ended up being all girls. That’s fine I guess but as I looked around I didn’t see any sinlge guys my age in the entire room. I feel like such a loser.
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Apple’s Makin Me Angry, Help Comes to the Rescue!

Ok, so I’ve been a little frustrated with the new iTunes. I’ve actually reverted back to the previous version. It took some hunting to actually find the old installer. I decided to help others out who also wanted to go back to 4.9 and I posted the instructions that worked for me along with a link to the file I’ve got hosted on my website. Well the powers that be overseeing the Apple discussions sent me a notification that my post had been removed. Then I reposted and it was quitely removed without any notification. What irritates me is that there was no clear reason why it was removed. Well I posted a third time and didn’t include the link to my download site. Not…
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Unfortunate News…

So I didn’t get a blog entry in yesterday. Oh well, not much went on. I spent a good portion of the day trying to work out wireless issues. I won’t go into the details, however, ended up spending time today working on it too. I guess it’s back to the drawing board on this one. I’m going to need to do some more research into this. So I got two rather unfortunate emails today, both from my Mom. She’s going to be leaving our home church and finding a new church. This has a lot to do with everything that went on with Masha and how too many people at church didn’t understand. Things were very hard for my whole family. People at church…
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Youth Group Kickoff…

Well, today work was pretty normal. Nothing too special. We had the youth group kickoff and things seemed to go pretty well. I got over to the church about 5:15 or so to get the sound system & projection equipment all setup. I worked on fine tuning OpenSong a little during break at work and then finished up with adding some announcements Andrew had. Maralee was willing to run presentation. My only problem with OpenSong thus far is that it has slow transitions. I still think it’s a pretty good tool for free on the Mac. We had a good intro meeting as small group leaders. We’ve got a great group of leaders this year, we always do, it’ll be fun working with them. The…
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iTunes 5 Not Ready for Prime Time…

So I got home tonight and wanted to checkout the news from Apple today. I saw the ads for the new iPod Neo and the iTunes phone. I also saw that there was a new iTunes 5. I went to Software Updates and upgraded my iTunes, I’ve done this in the past without problems. Well it totally messed up my iTunes Library along with my Podcast subscriptions. Popped on over to the Apple Forums and of course a lot of people are having this problem. Well I made the decision to revert back to iTunes 4.9. It took a little but to track down an iTunes 4.9 installer. Got it downloaded removed iTunes 5, along with all my iTunes receipts, and restored my iTunes Library…