Making The Best Of A Rainy Weekend Camping At Jellystone, Fremont-IN

Making The Best Of A Rainy Weekend Camping At Jellystone, Fremont-IN

After a rocky start to the weekend on Friday we did our best to make the most of a rainy weekend at the Jellystone Campground in Fremont Indiana. We started off Saturday morning with our big breakfast meal. After breakfast, and a little fishing, we took in a train ride around the campground. After our lunch we did some more fishing, of course. Both the kids enjoyed fishing, especially when they kept getting bites. The nice part is that the pond was catch and release, and the kids really didn’t care how big the fish were. On Sunday the rain had mostly cleared out so we took in a lot more activities, including a wagon ride where the kids got to see some of the…
Looking Back on 2017, the Year of Firsts
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Looking Back on 2017, the Year of Firsts

I don’t recall if I’ve ever written any sort of year-in-review blog post or even social media post, but this year I have had so many firsts that I wanted to reflect on and share my thanks for. Health In the health department I not only reached my initial target goal weight but actually surpassed it, and my second target. I think this year I’ve weighed the least that I have in 26 years. I have always struggled with my weight and living a more healthy lifestyle. I attribute my success primarily to my wife, and also to the encouragement of many friends and family. I also had to have a lot of self-determination as well, but that was only had by seeing the impact my…
camping, family, vacation
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Weekend Family Camping Recap

Had a great weekend camping not far from home at Woodchip Campground in Byron Center. Weekend was filled with a bunch of fun activities with the kids including time in the pool and time with some of Vanessa’s family. We haven’t decided if Woodchip will become an annual location or not. Woodchip Campground, 7501 Burlingame Ave SW, Byron Center, MI 49315