Something that came up at our Life Shapes meeting this morning, was the subject of mission. This is something that I’ve been sort of struggling with, in that I’m trying to determine what my mission should be. I think this brings me back to the Purpose Driven Life. I have felt, for a long time, that my heart is for youth. This has been what has drawn me to my years working at Inspiration Point, and my current involvement with the Bethel youth. I’m not sure how the Missional Community of Faith and my heart for youth might be tied together. This is something that I’ll be looking for God’s direction in, as is life in general. Well, this is just s short post. Let’s…
I said that and failed miserably at coming through… don’t do what I did Tim…
yes. look to me, the master of the blog, the luckiest of the lads, the awesome of the failures, the biggest of the losers, the pickle in the potato, the farm in the france, the meat in the cheese, the macaroni in the hotdog.
i will continue in the morn with my list.