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Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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Last Full Training Week Before The Big Day
Pretty much unheard of for me today ended up being an evening training run, and an #Endomondo one at that. I started off way better than the start of a typical morning run, but given I’ve had a whole day to get my body moving that sort of makes sense. It was still pretty warm and humid, though I really appreciated the occasional breeze. I can’t wait until the temps cool down more. It did get me thinking about what those in Africa have to deal with, just walking, to go for miles just to get a container of water. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun Donate to Water – I did spend a lot of time thinking about my former camp co-worker Jon and his family….
Reflecting On How Far I’ve Come
When I look back to 2016 at this time I’m pretty amazed at how far I’ve come. At that time I was lucky to probably have gone 1 mile in around 30 minutes, and that was probably mostly walking. Comparing that to my run today I can honestly say that God used running to make a huge change in my life as well as the people of Sierra Leone, Africa. God has blessed me in my running. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #RiverBankRun
Being Thankful For My Health, And Focusing On Others
This morning I got myself to a place where I could honestly see that I was letting myself get wrapped up in my own pity party. I was losing sight of the opportunity to be thankful for my health and be focusing on those less fortunate. The big question came to mind of why I am running. Am I running for myself? Are my runs all about how far or fast I can run? It seems pretty obvious that I got myself far from where I should be. I turned things around this morning and spent some time in praise for how God has blessed me, and especially spent time lifting friends and family up in prayer that have bigger needs than me. #HWI #WhyIRun
Fighting the Urge to Just Go Back to Bed
Today was one of those mornings where after the alarm went off I ended spending the next 15 minutes debating with myself whether I should get ready to go run or just go back to bed and get some more sleep. I’m happy to say that running won today. #HWI #RiverBankRun #Run4Water #WhyIRun
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A Little Life Update…
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Getting in a Long Run Before The Holiday Weekend
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