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Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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Kicking Things Up A Notch
Today my training run was kicked up a notch with some interval speed work. It definitely tested how recovered I am from the marathon. It’s been awhile since I have done any high intensity runs of substantial length. These sorts of runs do make it hard to spend a lot of time focusing on prayer unfortunately. It did however bring to mind #WhyIRun during some of the intense intervals and help to keep me pushing on. #HWI #Run4Water Donate to Clean Water –

Slowing Down To Speed Up, Monday Run On The Dreadmill
In 5 weeks I’ll be running my 5th marathon and representing #HWI and spreading the message for the need of clean water in Africa. #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRGus With such a short time for training making sure I’m following the plan is really going to be key to finishing well. In that light I took advantage of the treadmill today and set the speed to the slow pace today called for. Deciding to run on the dreadmill(treadmill) didn’t come easy but with the weather being rain & wind with a potential for snow, I decided it was best. Support Clean Water:

Thanksgiving Training Run
Got my own little 10k+ Turkey Trot in this morning. Staying on course as I train for the #GroundhogDayMarathon in February. Looking to represent the #HWI team at that event. After having my water freezing on me this morning I can already tell this is going to be an interesting training season. Oh, it looks like I happen to #PR this morning, which wasn’t my intention, but it happened so that made for a nice way to start off the #Thanksgiving day. Donate to Water in Africa –

Preface: Healthy Living, A Story of Life Change
This post is the beginning of something bigger than myself. As I’ve been walking through a journey to get healthy over the past 8 months I have had many encounters with people that have asked me, either in depth or briefly, the “secret” to my weight loss. Recently, as I had breakfast with a very close friend/co-worker/brother-in-Christ he mentioned that I have a story worthy of a book. While I’m not sure about actually writing a book, I was prompted to consider how I might better share my story. I felt it was time that I dusted off my old blog and begin to put into words the journey I’ve been on. I’m not sure what this is going to look like in the end,…

Wet And Uncomfortable Morning Run
A bit of a wet morning, but not a downpour, so it kept things a little cooler. It was a good thing it was only just shy of 6 miles, as I needed to be able to make it home to get to the bathroom. That last mile was a bit uncomfortable. I was glad to have still gotten up early, even though it was a holiday, to get my run done and enjoy the rest of the day. #HWI #GRMarathon #Run4Water

Running On The Treadmill Is A Mental Challenge
Well, all I can say is that I did run this morning. I couldn’t mentally handle anything more than 1 1/2 hours on the treadmill. #hwi #training #HessLakeRace #Run4Water