Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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Garbage In, Garbage Out…Life Is Work
To get good things out of your life, you have to first put good things in. [W]e don’t have a magic hat that allows us to pull something out of nothing. The positive character traits we seek can only result from a daily commitment to prioritize actions and decisions that please the Lord. I don’t know if it’s our American culture, our sinful nature, or something else entirely, but it seems that more often than not we want everything to be easy with little work or effort required. These lines from my devotional this morning speaks volumes into how we are to live, and how we shouldn’t be surprised when things don’t turn around so quickly for us. The reality is that pretty much all…
Health / Life / Relationships / Running
Running, Community, And Living With Purpose
I read this story tonight and it got me thinking about the journey I’ve been on but even more the HWI Daybreak community that I’ve been blessed to be apart of. Running has become for me something I couldn’t even have fathomed a little more than a year ago. Running for me is apart of who I am, and the relationships I’m building are a huge part of that as well. I hope that my running and my journey can be a light of Hope in the lives of people I share it with.
Preface: Healthy Living, A Story of Life Change
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Starting To See The Light
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