Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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Dropping Some Winter Run Layers
Another warmer morning #training run, though a bit wetter than I realized it was going to be the night before. The cold running layers are starting to come off. #HWI #HessLakeRun #GRMarathon #Run4Water

Upgrading My Digital Ocean Mastodon Instance from 3.5.3 to 4.0.2
For the sake of my own reference, and potentially to help others through the process, I’m documenting and sharing here the steps I took to upgrade my #Mastodon instance, that I host with a #DigitalOcean Droplet, from version 3.5.3 to version 4.0.2.

Stress From Work Is Meaningless
I can’t remember how many times I’ve let myself get stressed out by job. It’s a bit of a reality check to read how meaningless it is in the grand scheme of things to get stressed about one’s work.

Warming Up With The Pace
When you are a runner the colder winter temperatures are either a motivator or a demotivator. You are either going to be motivated to keep going, and keep warm, or you are going to be demotivated to not even step out the door. For me, most days my decision to run has little to so with the outside temperature, or weather. My decision usually depends on how tired I feel and if I want to go back to bed. Once I get out the door, then the outside temperature is my motivation for how fast I’m going to run. This morning the single digit temp helped me kick things up a notch. During my run, most of my thoughts were on the Sierra Leone team…

Back Home And Back To It
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Ready For The Christmas Season
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