Day Of Visits And Experiences

We started our day at the World Hope International offices with introductions of some of the key staff that are involved with putting in wells. We also got briefed on some things to expect for the day and coming week.
After our time meeting with the staff we got a tour of the drilling equipment and storage by Eugene. Eugene is from Nigeria and was brought to World Hope in Sierra Leone to lead the drilling teams. The tour included a lot of details on what the different equipment is used for in the process of drilling wells. There was so much I never realized went into drilling a well.
After the tour we headed out to a village to dedicate a well that Hope Water International and Daybreak helped put it. On the way we stopped by a clinic that World Hope helped to put in wash stations and a well along with running water to the clinic.
When we arrived in the village of Rogbin there was a group there waiting to greet us. They began playing music in celebration and continued as we headed to the well.
As we moved along the road more and more adults and children began joining in the celebration. Never have I felt so honored and humbled.
Once we got to the well they continued the music. The schools were nearby and children upon children began pouring out to join the crowd. Eventually they had our team sit in front of the entire crowd of villagers.
Many people spoke including some from the World Hope water team. George Beals spoke on behalf of the team and Daybreak sharing how the well was given through the love of Jesus. Key members of the community were introduced, including the chief who was a woman. We even discovered that a young man, age 23, was in the village who was serving as part of the Peace Corps. Kyle was from New York and was serving in hopes to go back to school and continue working in the area of global aid. After all the introductions we proceeded to the well and our own Ron Bussa prayed over it.
After the well was dedicated we hung ouy with many children. Eventually we we’re told that the village had prepared a meal for us. How humbling it was to be placed at the center stage an provided a meal. These people have so little in comparison to all we have in America, in comparison to all that my family has, and here they are showing me such hospitality.
During the meal we were offered coconuts for drinking. Many in our group too part, including myself.
Afterwards we were given a chicken and pineapples to take with us. Again, what an honor it was to be receiving gifts from the people.
We presented gifts to the school. Afterwards a young boy gave his words of thanks to the group. What courage it was for such a young boy to speak in front of the entire community and to a bunch of foreigners.
We eventually had to say goodbye, but the children didn’t want to see us go.
We headed back to the World Hope office and got to learn more about some of the other work they are doing. We headed back to the hotel and for some supper.
We stopped off at a restaurant not far from the hotel. It was one that has been involved for many years with a Sierra Leone marathon that is put on each year in May. It happens next week after we are already gone, but it would have been awesome to be able to run in a marathon in Sierra Leone. The Sierra Leone marathon raises money fo a child anti-trafficing program.
We finished up the night back at the cabana/bar to debrief as a team. What an amazing day. So much happened it’s so hard to begin to share the emotions and experience. Please keep praying for our team as we continue on the journey this week. Tomorrow may be especially hard for us as we visit a village that doesn’t yet have a well. I don’t think we have a clue what emotions tomorrow will bring.