Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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Being Social…Fun Stuff!
So, not a lot to report on today. I’m feeling a need a little bit more time in the morning to get going. If I would get myself to bed at a decent time it would help, hopefully I’ll accomplish that tonight. Got into work and started working on website stuff. I pretty much worked on website stuff all day. I had a meeting with Church Services and we’re getting realy close with the new bookstore website. I’m hoping perhaps by Christmas, maybe even the end of this month, we’ll see. So I did a little more IMing (is that even a word, probably will be) with, well, Sarah. It was all good, except for the part of it keeping me from my work. She…
Quick For Now…Best Birthday Ever!
So, before I hit the sack. I just have to thank the most amazing women in the world [Vanessa ;-)] for the most amazing birthday ever. OK, so some of you are thinking “it’s not your birthday yet” well, we celebrated early because we’ve got our dance class on Tuesday. Today was an awesome day! Vanessa gave me a season of Seinfeld on DVD and a disc golf bag. She took me out for dinner at a great place called Rose’s on Reeds Lake, and we had some wood-fired pizza, it was excellent. After dinner we headed over to a theatre to see an improv group (River City Improv). We had a load of laughs. Well, I’ll have to get into more later. I don’t…

Pushing Through An Intense Speed Test Run
Back at it again this morning. It was an intense short training test run. I was hoping to see a #5K #PR but that may have to wait until Saturday when I do the #HotCiderHustle 5K. I had just ran the night before so my body hadn’t really had a ton of recovery time. I’ll be looking forward to representing #HWI at the Hot Cider Hustle. It sounds like there will be a few of us out there. I always love having the opportunity to share to share about the mission when I where my Hope Water blue. Donate to Clean Water – https://timn.me/2t9D4ne

Troubles Help Us To Grow
For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever. – 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 NLT
Great IM Converstations…
I had some excellent IM conversations tonight. Was talking with Ginny and catching up to what their family has been up to. Sounds like Jim is getting steady business. He’s been doing a lot of work for Wells Fargo. And the home schooling has been going good too. We ended up talking about relationship stuff. This was partly due to the fact that I brought up the subject.