Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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Fighting For Integrity
We aren’t born with a heart of integrity, and if we want it, we have to fight for it. – A Life Of Integrity In a world filled with concern for only ones self, and the drive for success, integrity is always being challenged. It isn’t as simple as just making the good choice, we have have to stand against an entire world that apposes us. To fight also means to surround ourselves with people who are always watching and holding us accountable. – A Life Of Integrity We can’t make it through this world as a Christ follower on our own, let alone maintain integrity. We all need partners to do life with and keep us accountable to living a life of integrity. We…
Another Year Older…
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Wild Life: No One Gets The Master Plan, And No One Is Perfect
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The Christian Responsibility to the Oppressed
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