Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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When A Winter Interval Run Kicks Your Butt
It was a tough morning for an interval run. Having some not very clear sidewalks makes it hard to get a solid footing. Even though things were tough this morning I still had some good prayer time. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GroundhogDayMarathon

Choosing to Run Instead of Staying in Bed
This morning was another battle with myself wanting to just stay in bed. However I did succeed in get out there and getting some miles in.

I Won, I Won…
Yeah, Dan’s winning streak was finally broken in Settlers, I won the game. It was close, John was one roll away from winning, then he had his longest road taken away. It was downhill from there for him. Getting the longest road gave me the final points needed to win. I didn’t get a post up last night as I was working on getting a blog setup for my sister. Hope this works for her. Well, I need to go warm up the car and get to work. Good day all!
Love Your Enemies…
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Being Apart of a Community of Faith…
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