Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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Getting Back In The Saddle After Marathon Recovery
Finally got out this morning for my first run since the marathon. Doing a reverse taper, doing the training plan in reverse, as a way to ease back in. Felt great to be out there again, despite the cold and rain. #HWI
Busy Times, Time is Short
So these days have been busier than ever. It’s been LB Convention time this week, and I’ve been putting in some full days for that. Tomorrow after work I head down to the Twin Cities for the night, and in the morninig begin my trip out to Michigan. Every day, and every week, I see my time hear coming closer to an end. I’m constantly torn between feelings of excitement for what God has to come, and sadness when thinking of all the people that I’ll be leaving behind. I don’t know what God has in store for me. What I do know is that if God says “go” then that is what I must do. There is of course more to this than simply…

Working From Rest, Productivity At It’s Best
“Man’s blessing didn’t come from what he produced, rather, what he produced stemmed from his blessing. Let that blessing fuel your work, so that striving ceases and what you produce comes out of a place of rest.” – SELAH | Defining Rest In The Age Of Productivity The start of this study reminded me of the Life Shapes, specifically the Semi-Circle. There has been a lot of proof that in order to perform at our best we need adequate rest. What that rest looks like can be different for everyone. We are all charged back up in different ways depending on our personalities. Nonetheless, we all need to be charged up to tackle what’s before us. Even as a runner, I’ve seen first hand what…

Pre-Conference Half Marathon
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Rocking Some Worship Music During My 3 Mile Interval Run
It was a pretty nice cool morning for a run. It may be hard to get up early in the morning some days but it beats running out in the heat that is for sure. Morning runs make for a good quiet time as well. I’m usually rocking some worship music specifically put together as workout music. #HWI #KCC #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRHalfMarathon #RiverBankRun
Time To Get Serious: He’s Everywhere
Isaiah 43:1-7, God is omnipresent, today’s reading is talking about how God is everywhere and cannot be contained. However, it talks about two different kinds of being present. One is His essence and being everywhere in His fullness, the other is His presence in His relationship to us. When Jesus was on the cross, God the Father was there, but Christ called out “My God! Was have You forsaken Me”, so there was a lack of God Father’s relationship being there. This passage in Isaiah is talking about how God has a special presence with His children, which is not there with those that aren’t His children. As Christians, God is not only around us but with us every step on our walk. This reminds…