Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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Prudence Not Arrogance
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Strength To Get Us Through Anything
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Ugh…It’s 4:11 am…What’s That Smell
So this morning was A LOT early than I was planning on getting up. Darn dog decided to take a dump in my room. I think I’m going to have to borrow the carpet shampooer from my parents this weekend. Had to clean that all up, I still think I’m smelling that dog poo stench, and I’m not even in the room (I’m downstairs, in the Living Room). Well just thought I’d share that…ugh…I feel sick. Pets, sometimes you love ’em, sometimes you don’t.
Giving Up Control
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Nothing Much for Today…
Yes, things happened today. I’m tired and I want to read before I go to bed. I’ll have to play catchup tomorrow. valete!