Last Run Before My Surgery

When I got up this morning to thunder, lightning, and down pouring rain, I decided to wait until this evening to get my last run in before my surgery. As it normally goes, running in the evening is always harder for me. I can usually feel my supper, or what I’ve been eating that day, and it usually just doesn’t feel great. Tonight was no exception.
I had intended on running 12 miles but only made it 10, and my pace slowed down considerably over the last 5 miles. It didn’t help matters either that I decided to break in my new shoes in a 12 mile run. I wouldn’t recommend that. I could definitely feel my shoes and the odd places that felt sore. I would highly recommend after buying new shoes to break them in during some short runs, and work your way up in miles so you can gradually break them in.
For what it was I really can’t complain about getting a 10 mile run in and it was still sub-9 min/mi. I don’t have time to get into much else as I need to get myself to bed so I’m rested for the morning. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRMarathon
The Romig family will be praying for you! Get well quickly!
Thanks so much! Hoping it won’t take me out of commission too long.