Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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Sorry For The Disconnect
So obviously I haven’t posted in awhile again. I’m hoping to remedy this tomorrow perhaps. I’d like to get everyone up to speed on what’s happening in my life. The short version, I’m moving to Michigan on Friday. Tata!
A Post, A Post, At Last A Post
So what have we been up to, well when I say we I mean me. So life has been a little crazy this past week, although I don’t expect it to calm down anytime soon. I’ve got a lot of things to do by this weekend. I’ve got a load of photos to scan and some more video to import. I don’t think I’ll be getting the Cantata CD’s done by Christmas, oh well. Ok I guess I’m getting a little ahead of myself. How about we go back to last week. So my last post was Wednesday. That night was youth group and the whole youth praise team was there to lead music. We were even able to get everything setup in the fellowship…
What Will They Think of Next…?!
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Growing Technology, Declining Human State?
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Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done…
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Seeing, And Meeting, The Needs of Others
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nice window. its good for scaring…i mean smiling at your coworkers as they walk by
so you haven’t blogged for 3 days, and neither has ashley, so…you should update this one day because my life is boring and I need to know of every little thing that you do. Everything.
I notice your office has a window. Is that cuz you think your fat? Cuz your not. You could have like a french door if you wanted