Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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Garbage In, Garbage Out…Life Is Work
To get good things out of your life, you have to first put good things in. [W]e don’t have a magic hat that allows us to pull something out of nothing. The positive character traits we seek can only result from a daily commitment to prioritize actions and decisions that please the Lord. I don’t know if it’s our American culture, our sinful nature, or something else entirely, but it seems that more often than not we want everything to be easy with little work or effort required. These lines from my devotional this morning speaks volumes into how we are to live, and how we shouldn’t be surprised when things don’t turn around so quickly for us. The reality is that pretty much all…
A Day of Blessings…
Well today has been such a full day of blessings. The sermon this morning, given by President Egge, was on generosity and not just about giving money, but the generosity that Christ showed to all through time & help. It was really good to hear about being generous in all areas of your life, following Christ’s example. Our LifeShapes study was excellent as well. Today we went through the hexagon, which focuses on prayer, and using the Lord’s Prayer as the model. While it gace and guideline, it also showed the vast ways that guideline can be worked out in our prayer life. Something that has brought me more in tune to a better prayer life is being open to the Holy Spirit’s leading in…

Welcoming People Into The Presence Of Jesus
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Friends / Relationships / Work
Friends At Work
I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to once again work with one of my close friends. What’s cool is that God brought me to Michigan not only because of my wife, but He placed me in a job where I had the opportunity to build a solid relationship with my co-worker Jon Kay. Since returning to Sprint he has been a huge support to me at work. I’m blessed to work and share life with a close friend.
Busy Days, Lazy Nights…
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