Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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When The Well Runs Dry…
That title actually has a couple of meaning this morning. As I drove myself to work this morning it kind of hit how spiritually dry I feel today. This comes from the lack of reading and morning quite time I’ve had for most of the week. Oh how I long for those days of having a couple hours before I head off to work to enjoy the morning and spend some time in the word. And to the times I had to read a chapter in a good book before I drifted off to sleep. These are things I’m really hoping to get back in my routine. It’s basically come to light that I am a total creature of habit/routine. Once I can get into…

What You Say Is A Reflection Of The State Of Your Heart
The function of your mouth is a product of the things that dwell in your heart. In order to tame your tongue, you must first examine your heart and get it right with God. #JamesChallenge James Challenge In this age of social media I’m seeing far too often where people, and especially those that claim to be Christians, spewing words they have no business putting out for all the world to see. Long ago I made to decision that if I what I have to say is not uplifting or helpful I’m not going to share it. Now a post like this could be debatable in that regard, but I’m also not afraid to share God’s truth. As Christ followers we are called to a…
In The Beginning
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Time To Get Serious: A True Know-It-All
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Learning To Listen, Instead Of Speaking
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A Christian Husband’s Greatest Calling In Marriage
As Christian husband’s I think we easily fail to remember the greatest calling we have in our marriage. We can’t out-love God. Christ loved us so much that he died for us, and that’s the sort of love we are called to have for our wives. For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her – Ephesians 5:25 NLT