Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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WordCamp GR 2017 – Development With Material Design – Matt Christensen
Matt Christensen – https://www.mattchristensen.net/ History Announced 2014 2015 Most Google apps use it Intended for Android Focused on Native Mobile, web was an afterthought What Is It? – https://material.io/ A metaphor – think paper Uniting Style – look the same everywhere Design as a physical medium Paper and Ink Seams & Edges Motion has meaning Web Features – https://getmdl.io/components/ Cards – base component (could be used as a means to layout “table” data) Drawers Snackbar – nice feedback component, can hide automatically Tables Out of the box there is styling but not responsive jQuery Alternative – https://datatables.net/ Frameworks MDL (Material Design) Materialize – http://materializecss.com/ (stay away from Materialize WP, not much development) MDLWP – http://mdlwp.com/ (most features in commercial) Bootstrap Material Design – http://fezvrasta.github.io/bootstrap-material-design/ How Do You Design? What are you…

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Being A Developer For Life…Can I Keep It Up?
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Doing It Right…Code Commits
As a developer there are industry standards and expectations that should be followed, especially in the open source world. Aaron Jorbin has got this spot on.