Just an Early Morning Recovery Run
After a late night with not quite enough sleep, and still feeling some tired legs, I didn’t do the training plan’s optional additional 15 minute run. I’m always unsure how to handle the “optional” parts of a training run. It always says if you feel good so this additional run segment. Does that mean if you skip the optional run segment you are just doing the bare minimum? I often go ahead and do the optional segment, if I choose not to it’s usually because of the lack of time.
These days running has been anything but routine, which may not be all bad, though it has meant not getting some runs in which is not good for the training plan. I’m hoping that I can find a new groove for my runs but only time will tell. #HWI #Run4Water #GroundhogMarathon #Garmin #Running
There is still time to be a part of bringing water to Africa this holiday season: https://timn.me/HWI2022