5K Training Run – Need to Slow it Down

5K Training Run – Need to Slow it Down

I haven’t been posting my runs in awhile, just for the pure fact of the extra time it requires to post it to my blog. It’s just faster using Endomondo’s share feature to post to social media rather than turning off the social media sharing of my blog posts. Today’s training run, day 2/week 3, was a slow pace day. Was very hard to stick to the show pace, as evidenced by my time. It was supposed to be a 11:42 min/mi rune but it was more like 10:00 min/mi. ? [endomondowp type=’workout’ workout_id=’872608651′]
God Has Our Back

God Has Our Back

What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us? – Romans 8:31 NLT This verse should give us the confidence to take on anything. Of course anything that is part of God’s plan and not our own doing. We need to hold on to this truth when we have those bad days where we wonder if it can get any worse or we face seemingly insurmountable obstacles.