I was listening to a Podcast yesterday on my way to my parents(surprise..lol), and one comment that was made on there was how the online blog community hasn’t been as active, concerning the Katrina victims, as they were after the tsunami hit South Asia. I was working on my blog, man I’ve been working a lot on it lately, and saw TWiT’s support right on their homepage. Now I know very few people will be visiting my site, most don’t even know about it, but I wanted people that do visit to know, that as a proud member of the blog community, I too am concerned with the tragedy down south. I would encourage those able to give to please do so. More later…
So I know that I haven’t been so good about keeping up my blog posts on a regular basis. It’s kind of amazing how even when life seems to settle down you don’t have time foe some of the simple things. I guess one issue I’ve been facing lately is not being able to get to sleep early, and getting up early. It just has kind of thrown things off a bit. I guess the other part of my lack of blogging is the fact that I’ve started the podcast as well. Even more is how much God has been doing in my life, which has kind of kept me from blogging. Like the fact that I have someone special that is apart of my…
Tim: I just feel like the world today is just destroying our youth Cassie: that and not alot of ppl are covering them in prayer…they just call it “humanity problems” and ignore it Tim: yes Tim: this issue of moral relativism (sry for the big words) is getting worse by the day Cassie: it really is Cassie: we need to start making just praying for these kids a deal every day instead of just waiting until one kid blows up with problems Tim: yes Tim: absolutely Tim: I’m starting to see also, how it seems moral relativism is creeping into the Christian community also Cassie: definitely Tim: don’t get me wrong, I’m not a legalist by any means… Tim: but God’s truth is firm, it’s…
Yeah, Dan’s winning streak was finally broken in Settlers, I won the game. It was close, John was one roll away from winning, then he had his longest road taken away. It was downhill from there for him. Getting the longest road gave me the final points needed to win. I didn’t get a post up last night as I was working on getting a blog setup for my sister. Hope this works for her. Well, I need to go warm up the car and get to work. Good day all!
As much as I’d like to think that I was ready to parent the fact is that I owe a lot to my wife. If it wasn’t for my wife’s knowledge and experience my kids wouldn’t have had the experiences they have had so far. I’m still learning everyday day how to be a better parent.
So I know that my blogs posts have sort of bit the dust. I’ll have to do a better job of updating this thing. Time just seems to get away. I promise to put up a post tomorrow night. I should have something to post then. 🙂