Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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Wild Life: No One Gets The Master Plan, And No One Is Perfect
I’ve known for a long time that I’m a perfectionist and a planner. This had always been both a strength and a great weakness for me. The major weakness is that I’m always trying to figure out God’s plan and I turn my perfectionism into unrealistic expectations of others. Also my perfectionism takes a lot of joy out of life. It means that unless it’s perfect I’m not happy, and the kicker is that it most likely 9 times out of 10 it isn’t going to be perfect. That’s a pretty sad way to live honestly. Add to the perfectionism the desire to always have a plan makes life pretty difficult as things more often than not don’t go according to the plan. Reading through…

Home Office Upgrade
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First “Race” In The Books, Sort Of
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Had Another Great Morning Run Outside
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Friends / Health / Life / Relationships / Running
Great HWI Group Run, And A Personal Best
Had a great HWI Team Daybreak Group Run this morning. I love our community, and I especially love running with someone else. Training on your own definitely takes a lot of discipline, and having these group runs make for a great motivator to keep going during the week. I’m hopeful that I can join a couple guys I’ve been running with during the week for some training runs. Oh, and to top things off I hit a Personal Best this morning for a 1 hour run. Great way to kick off the day and weekend! [endomondowp type=’workout’ workout_id=’931912560′ ] Walker, Michigan, United States of America

As Christians, Are We Rising To Jesus’ Calling?
Christians, are we remembering Jesus calling or following the world when we complain about our president? It seems that I hear a lot of complaining and negativity about everything that our president does. I don’t agree with what a lot of what our president has done but I also wonder how many Christians are actually praying for our president, he needs it that is for sure.