Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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Christ’s Call of Discipleship
(John 15:1-17) Whether we choose to accept it or not, as Christians we are all called to be disciples. We are not only to believe in Him, but follow Him also. At times it would seem that we can take the easy route as a Christian. It’s hard for me to imagine making the decision that you are going to believe in something but not let it be the guide in your life. More specifically, a Christian is not someone that just believes in Him, it is also someone that is His follower. Jesus asked that we pick up our cross and follow Him. He is asking us to take the hard road with Him. We can have confidence in knowing that He is right…
What’s Up With Me Today…
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A Big Thank You…
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Podcast Site Development Begun…
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