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God is Awesome, of Course…Today Life is Grand Too!

Ok, so today was a pretty excellent day. It’s amazing that God can be so good to us despite our downfalls. Well, this morning I found out something pretty crazy. One of my matches on eHarmony just happens to be someone that I at least know of. I can’t recall actually meeting her at anytime. The thing of it is that I have worked with her sister. And I know her Dad. She’s not a paying member of eHarmony but that’s just fine. We’ve already started to chat a little on MSN. I don’t know where this will lead if anywhere. I have no expectations but I’m looking forward to getting to know her. I already know enough about her that I know I’m looking…
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A Time of Pruning…?

Well, it sure seems like I’ve entered into a time of pruning. I got an email tonight that someone has been hired to redesign and take over the camp website. I really haven’t been involved with it much the past year, but it seems like my involvement with camp is coming more to a close. I still have mixed feelings about this. When you give so much towards something and then not be apart of it anymore it’s just kind of a strange feeling. I really hope that they will be served well. I’m kind of feeling a little lost now. I’m so used to having a load of things to do. If I don’t have a project to work on I’m not sure what…
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Another Year Older…

Well, I’m now one year older at 27. I guess I’m kind of starting off this new year of my birth with some changes, LOL. I was able to get up at 5 this morning & be to work by 7. I ate breakfast, watched a little news, did some devotions. I was given a little celebration during break at work too! I was given a birthday balloon and a card from everyone in the office. It was nice to have my birthday be a little more than just another day. That was really the extent of it but it was the best birthday I’ve had in a long while. Some year it might be nice to actually have a party with friends. No biggy…
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My Long Weekend…

So it’s been a few days since my last post. When things get busy I find it hard to get them in. Things have been kind of crazy. I just noticed too that my last real blog post was Tuesday. Wednesdays always get busy and late, actually I ended up going over to John & Caristy’s after youth group again. It’s good for me to be apart of some social things, especially with people my own age. So let’s recap a little. Wednesday youth group was good. Joel & Liz Christensen gave a talk about their work in China. It was a little different than what they talked about on Sunday wo that was good. With the craziness of the week I didn’t do music,…
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Wasteful Weekends, Geeks…Gotta Love Em

So yeah, I pretty much wasted the weekend away again. Not totally, but I could have done a lot more than I did. I guess I sort of get tired of doing stuff, like work, all the time and want some time to just kick back and relax. I’m feeling like I’m kind of spinning my wheels with the web job. I really like to nail down the site design before I do the custom programming stuff. The problem is they’ve given me hardly anything to work with. Well Monday will have to be a big day to work on getting stuff going. I guess I’m going to worry less about the design and make sure the funcitonality is all there. So yeah, not much…
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Reality Check…

Yeah, so I’ve been a lot of thinking lately. Surprised? 😛 Wednesday, at youth group, an interesting question was asked. “What makes you happy?” This really got me thinking. It was very hard for me to actually stop and consider what does make me happy. I made a comment about the fact that I really find enjoyment in helping others out, especially when it comes to computers. Times that I have to spend with friends, like this past weekend, that makes me happy. I think I spend so much time thinking about how alone I am that I don’t feel very happy a lot of the times. I think I’ve been living as though once I find that special someone that everything will be right…