Old Wallpaper
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New House…It’s Remodel Time

So this Monday we took possession of our new home. While technically it was move in ready it needs a lot of updating. So we have 3-4 weeks before we need to be out of our rental and we’ll be working away to do as much remodel work as we can before we officially move in. Last night I got the range hood removed and counter extension removed. Tonight I checked the measurements of the new over-the-range microwave and what work was going to be involved with getting the cabinets modified and the microwave installed. I’ll post later once that project is in full swing. The main focus tonight was getting the old fridge and stove moved out and checking into the water situation for…
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Dance, Dance, Dance…

I know that I haven’t posted in awhile. And I know that my last post, that some may have seen, was a not ans exciting life update post. I haven’t forgotten about the blog world, life just sometimes gets away from you. My podcasting days come back to mind every now and then too. I really think that if I’m going to get back into the podcasting I need to come up with a solid plan for organizing each show. Vanessa and I have just completed the 4th week of our dance class. We’ve learned both the waltz and the foxtrot so far. We had so much fun tonight, especially whiel practicing before class at my house. I love all the laughter we share. We’re…
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A Little Life Update…

Well, I have to say that life is still kind of up and down for me. I’m beginning to realize that being busy is probably in my nature. As I think back to my high school and college days, I remember being a pretty active guy. And to think I have shy tendencies, lol. I would have to say I’m far from being the guy in the middle, I’m the guy that is at both extremes at the same time. What and interesting combination that brings, lol. I’m finding it nice to pretty much have all my projects for people done. I’ve got another that will be starting, a missionary promo, but I don’t expect that to tak too much time. My big project, that…
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A Post, A Post, At Last A Post

So what have we been up to, well when I say we I mean me. So life has been a little crazy this past week, although I don’t expect it to calm down anytime soon. I’ve got a lot of things to do by this weekend. I’ve got a load of photos to scan and some more video to import. I don’t think I’ll be getting the Cantata CD’s done by Christmas, oh well. Ok I guess I’m getting a little ahead of myself. How about we go back to last week. So my last post was Wednesday. That night was youth group and the whole youth praise team was there to lead music. We were even able to get everything setup in the fellowship…
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Expectations, Communication…When Life Gets Too Busy

Well I got a rather unfortunate email today. I’ve basically been let go for the website project I was working on. The truth of the matter is there were things that myself and the company that hired me didn’t do very well. I kind of feel a little frustrated as I thought I made myself very clear how busy my schedule was before they agreed to hire me. Apparently I didn’t do a good enough job. It would also seem as though they really didn’t read the contract before they agreed to it. It clearly states what I was expecting. I guess I’m fine with not having to worry about it any more however, I just feel as though they could have done a better…
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Quick One Tonight…

Ok, long story short I’m in a little hot water as I’m behind in the website job. Technically the contract they signed covers my butt, however it’s looking like I don’t have enough time for these types of side jobs. The day was pretty good, but too many things to do, this partly due to the problems with one of the servers. Ended up being no praise team practise as too many couldn’t make it. It was alright though cause I could work on the website project and get my music together for tomorrow. Well, I’ve already done my reading for tonight, I said a quick good night to a bunch on IM, and I’m checking outta here tonight as well. This will give everyone…