Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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Another Year Older…
Well, I’m now one year older at 27. I guess I’m kind of starting off this new year of my birth with some changes, LOL. I was able to get up at 5 this morning & be to work by 7. I ate breakfast, watched a little news, did some devotions. I was given a little celebration during break at work too! I was given a birthday balloon and a card from everyone in the office. It was nice to have my birthday be a little more than just another day. That was really the extent of it but it was the best birthday I’ve had in a long while. Some year it might be nice to actually have a party with friends. No biggy…
Far And Few Between…
I know it can only be a quick one. I can’t believe it’s been over a month since my last post. I remember the days when I could barely posting only single entry each day on my blog. I’m really thinking once life settles down a little, that I really want to get back into at least giving some updates with what Vanessa and I are up to. Only 19 more days until I’ll be a married man! I really can hardly believe it. And the thing that seems even more amazing is that I’m going to be marrying an unbelievable and amazing woman like Vanessa. I only wish that it was easier for everyone that I know from back in MN to have the…
Forgive Me…
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Is God Leading Me…Well of Course
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Full Days…
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Switchfoot Fights DRM!
In a story the came out earlier this week. One of the band members of Switchfoot was expressing his anger about the DRM the was put on their latest album. The DRM encoded albums were preventing people from ripping the CDs for use on portable medai players. He was posting instructions on how to circumvent the DRM. Well Sony & EMI have announced that they are recalling the CDs and replacing them. EMI says that it was a mistake. Let’s give it up for Switchfoot!