Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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Pokemon Night With My Son
Got my son some more energy cards and we both built decks that we can actually play with. I really enjoy playing these kinds of games so I’m pumped to have my son enjoy this one. #Pokemon #StrategyGames #games
Another Quick One…If That’s Possible
Well, the goal here is to keep it short so I can get to bed. So today was a pretty good day. I really feel like I got some things done at work. I’ve been getting some very encouraging words from many, I thank you all again. As I’ve thought even more about this topic of relationships I’m finding myself torn on a fine line between expecting God to do all the work and taking it all into my own hands. I think a big issue is motivation. While it’s not bad to look elsewhere for social interact, thinking about not having much for single people to hang out with, my motivation is to find my future wife. This really needs to be left to…
Blogging / Carcassonne / Daily Thoughts / Food / Friends / Games / Relationships / Romantic / Youth Work
So What’s Been Going On…
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Daily Thoughts / Friends / Games / Worship Team / Youth Work
Youth Group Kickoff…
Well, today work was pretty normal. Nothing too special. We had the youth group kickoff and things seemed to go pretty well. I got over to the church about 5:15 or so to get the sound system & projection equipment all setup. I worked on fine tuning OpenSong a little during break at work and then finished up with adding some announcements Andrew had. Maralee was willing to run presentation. My only problem with OpenSong thus far is that it has slow transitions. I still think it’s a pretty good tool for free on the Mac. We had a good intro meeting as small group leaders. We’ve got a great group of leaders this year, we always do, it’ll be fun working with them. The…
The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly…
Well, yes I’m finally posting to the blog again. Trips tend to take me out of the blog-o-sphere. Well, sorry to disappoint many, but this is going to be a short one tonight. I’m not quite out of the dark on the sick feeling that hit me yesterday, pretty close though. The Good: Had a good time with my family and got to hang out with two of my best friends growing up. It’s interesting to see where we are all at now in life. John’s all married with a baby on the way. Sounds like they’ll be doing some moving around in the years to come. I really hope John’s finds the job he’s really looking for. Jeff is still as quirky as every….